statement of work template consulting

Statement of work is documents which defines activities, deliverables, timeline, fee or budget, and objectives of the project. Statement of work is important as it not only define the project plan, but it serve as protection for conflict or abuse from one party as both parties must sign the document.

The statement of work template for professional services, constructions, or even consulting project.

Statement of Work Template

There are several menus from statement of work template word:

Company Header

It is the header for the company who provide the service. It consists of Company Name, Address, and Logo. You can add company phone number.

statement of work template consulting
statement of work template consulting


It consists of the document Date, First Party (which do the service) and Second Party (customer) companies Name and Address. Below them, there are few opening paragraphs.

Period of Performance

The period of the service. It can be used for telling the brief project timeline.

Engagement Resources

The agreement about how or way to use the provided resource from the customer so they will be used properly.

Scope of Work

The areas where the work to be performed is described.

statement of work template
statement of work template

Deliverable Materials

The good or service produced as a result of the project that is intended to be delivered to a customer.

Contractor Responsibilities

The contractor or service provider responsibilities that should be provided and fulfilled in the project.

Client Responsibilities

The customer responsibilities that should be provided and fulfilled in the project.

Fee Schedule

The list of fees from materials, services fee, or other resources used during the project. It include the table for billing address and person.

statement of work example doc
safe work method statement template

Out-of-Pocket Expenses / Invoice Procedures

While Fee Schedule is about certain fees and who to bill, this menu is about the term for additional expenses during the projects. It’s telling about the invoice procedure, when and how to bill.

Completion Criteria

This section describes about the term and condition as well sanctions for both parties to complete the work, such as term for safety in safe work method statement template. This is including the additional maintenance for the project after it finished.

Related Template:  Petition Template in MS Word


Describe anything that you think to be true but there is no guarantee, and a constraint the limitation on both parties and project.

Project Change Control Procedure

The step that should be taken if the project is decided to be changed not following current plan.


The name, position, and signs from responsible persons from both parties. It indicate as agreement from both parties.

statement of work template for professional services
statement of work template for professional services



To use statement of work template word, simply change the text. You can follow the menus or sections provided in this statement of work template, or add one.

Change the texts in red marks. After that, do not forget to change the font color to black.

It is suggested to type the contents in red information icon in list rather than paragraph.



Statement of work template word can be modified. However, it will not be so much needed as statement of work template word only includes text. The only possible modifications are changing the text font type, color, or size. You may change the header with your company header.



Here are some statement of work example doc for contractor company in Completion Criteria section:

safe work method statement template
statement of work example doc



This template could be used for any type of project, from statement of work template consulting company into software house. This template provides how to and explanation to each menu or sections that need to be present in statement of work. However, you still need to know other skills to write the documents, such as writing in polite manner or how to define project plan.

It is easy to modify the template, as it is definitely has no formula or complex formatting.

Please kindly click one of these buttons to download statement of work template word for free:

By rita

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