Purchase order template excel is excel template for writing document to control the purchasing of products and services from external suppliers. This sales purchase template can be used by small to medium company.
The purchase order template excel has only one sheet, but contains several elements:
Purchase Order Template Excel Header
Contains the Purchase Order document title on upper left. On the left side, it has placeholder image for company logo, followed by Company Name and Company Slogan fields below the placeholder image.
Below the Company, there are field for Company address fields:
- Address Street
- Address City, State, and Zip Code
- Phone and Fax Number

On the right side, there are fields for Purchase Order overview:
- PO No.: Purchase Order ID
- Date: can be Sales Order generated date or Order request date
- Customer ID: it is supposed for vendor ID. You may need to replace the name.
Purchase Order Template Excel Recipient
Located below the header. There are 2 main columns: Vendor for supplier name and addresses. [Ship To] is to whom and the address for received the goods. You can fill it with your own factory address or your customer name if you are distributor or drop-shipper. The fields are same in both columns:
- Name
- Company Name
- Address Street
- Address City, State, and Zip Code
- Phone Number
You can add customer Email and Fax Number for more details.

Below the columns, there are three fields for shipping:
- Shipping method: enter the logistic company used for shipping.
- Shipping term: shipping type or regulations
- Delivery date: the estimation of the item come. If it consultation or service, enter the estimation time the work finished.

Purchase Order Template Excel Detail
The part to enter the sales order or request detail. The fields are:
- Quantity
- Item ID
- Item Description
- Job: you can enter the person number if it service.
- Unit Price
- Line Total: after being calculated with quantity, unit price, and discount.

Below the details, it has summary price. The fields are:
- Subtotal: Total of items before tax.
- Sales Tax: the tax rate or amount for the work
- Total: after being calculated with sales.
Simple Purchase Order Template Authorization
Located after the Total field. It is the fields where you enter the person who authorized for this purchase order and the date.
Purchase Order Format In Excel With Terms & Conditions
Located on the bottom left. It is the textbox where you enter the terms and conditions guideline for the purchase order. On the end line, you may need to add contact details for responsible person for this order.

First, replace the logo placeholder by right clicking the placeholder picture > Change Picture. Then, navigate to the logo location in your computer. Resize and adjust it to fit with the header. Replace the Company Name and Slogan.
Enter your address, shipping address and vendor address.
Then, fill the table on salesperson from your employee and details from the work. Next, enter details of bought items.
For tax, input the percentage in decimal. For example, if the tax is 5%, enter 0.05 instead of 5.
Lastly, add the authorization sign. To do this, you may need to convert as purchase order template pdf, then add signature. You can add it as image too.
You can send the customer order form template excel digitally, or even digital archive, or print it blank for manual writing. You can convert it into purchase order format doc.
You can make the excel purchase order template auto numbering by adding a new sheet for item or customer database. Or, you can integrate this template with other product list or customer database or template file. To integrate, you can use Data Validation method.
This purchase order form can be used for retail or manufacture industry. It can be used for service business too.
The purchase order template excel can be downloaded for free after you click one of these buttons: