employee referral form word

Employee referral form template is the word template for recording the candidates for job position through employee referral program. Employee referral program is the employee recruitment method which organization identify potential candidates from their existing, active or non-active employee social networks or circles. In this template, the referral programs may contain award or commission for successful referral, through sometimes it is not.

This referral form template can be used for any business or companies, like startup company or even big companies.



There are some elements in employee referral form template:


Where you enter the company information. The fields are logo and company name.

employee referral form doc
employee referral form doc


Sometimes called rules. This is where you enter the guideline for the program in applicant referral form, like the requirement for the job applications, award conditions and rules, or recruitment timeline. Currently, there are 5 rules that has been provided in this template. You can change the placeholder texts such as time, amount, and such.

candidate referral form template
candidate referral form template

Employee Information

Where you enter the employee information. This employee is the one who refer the candidates. The fields are:

  • Employee Name
  • Employee ID
  • Email: personal or company email
  • Date: Referral date, date when the employee fill and deliver this referral form.
  • Department
  • Telephone: personal telephone preferred

Referral Information

Where you enter the job candidate information. The fields are:

  • Candidate Name
  • Email
  • Telephone
  • Position Referred for: the job position to apply. It could be the department name.
  • Why this candidate is qualified for this position: the reason, or the positive qualifications which made the candidate is eligible and matched for the job position. It is suggested to add pros and cons.

HR Information

Enter the additional information for employee referral form template and job recruitment progress. The fields are:

  • Date received: date when the HR received the employee referral form doc.
  • Hired: the hiring status of the referred candidates.
  • Interviewed: the interview status, has it done yet or not. If done, enter the interview date.
  • Award Date: when the employee will be awarded for the referral, if the candidates hired following the rules in guidelines.
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employee referral form example
employee referral form example



applicant referral form
applicant referral form

To use candidate referral form template simply input the record into the provided fields. To change picture, select the placeholder picture. Right click and select change picture. Navigate to your picture location and click OK.

You can change the text color, font type, and font size. You can print this employee referral form template blank for manual writing. It set on A4 paper. Since the fields are actually part of tables without border, you may need to adjust the table width and length if you change the paper size or margin.

Aside for job application referral, you can use and modify this employee referral form word as other referral form, such as club membership refer program or such.

You can add watermark by going to Design tab > Watermark > Custom Watermark. Then navigate to the pictures location or create one.

Additionally, you can add UI feature into this form, such as radio button, drop down menu, or checkbox. To add it, you will need Developer tab. Open the Developer tab by going to File > Options. On appeared window, choose Customized Ribbons, and tick the Developer tab before click OK.

On the Developer tab > Controls Group, insert the feature. Each feature has different method to use, so you may need skills in creating UI to use this tool. Open the developer kit for more information. You can add macros as well.



Here is the employee referral form example for Marketing Program:

employee referral form word
employee referral form word



The template can be used for printing or digital sending. You can use this template right ahead or use it as the sample for your own template. You can add more details, such as candidates education, experience, or form ID.

The template is free to download or modify. You can download employee referral form template after you click:

By rita

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